Food and Finance High School Food Education Fund


525 West 50th street
New York, NY 10019 ClintonRate and review
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The Food Education Fund, Inc. (FEF) is a registered 501( c)3 non-profit organization. The purposes of the FEF are:

To provide support to Food and Finance High School in the City of New York by providing general assistance for all activities and initiatives that impact the students and the entire learning community; and to provide support for the development and replication of models of successful Career and Technical Education.

To support ongoing efforts to make maximum use of buildings for innovative and efficient school and community use. FEF also supports the continued advancement and use of the latest technologies for environmentally safe and sustainable urban food production as well as the promotion and dissemination of nutrition and healthy eating education and practices.

To expand educational opportunities in culinary arts and provide technical assistance to other organizations, schools and individuals with similar goals.

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