Second Language Research Forum - SLRF 2016

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Applied Linguistics and TESOL Program - 525 W 120th Street
New York, NY 10027 HarlemRate and review
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Thirty Years of Instructed SLA: Learning, Instruction, Learning, and Outcome
*The two appearances of "learning" in our conference theme were intentionally placed to highlight the importance of learning which precedes instruction and its difference from the type of learning that may follow instruction.

With its longstanding commitment to teaching and learning research and practice, Teachers College, Columbia University is proud to host the 35th Second Language Research Forum (SLRF) with its special focus on Instructed Second Language Acquisition (ISLA). We aim to bring together students, teachers, and researchers to share, question, and reflect on past and current research, and more importantly, on the future of ISLA and its transdisciplinary relevance, especially to second and foreign language teaching.

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