Columbia Global Centers

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91 Claremont Ave, Ste 529
New York, NY 10027 Midtown ManhattanRate and review
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Functioning as a network, the global centers encourage teaching and research that require working across disciplinary boundaries, having a presence in multiple regions, and engaging non-Columbia experts and scholars from those regions. Some of the centers' programs and research initiatives are country-specific, some regional, and an increasing number are multi-regional, even global. While the network is in its start-up phase, each center has started by building strong links with universities and institutions in its respective region. The long-term ambition is that many programs will have a global reach and involve multiple centers in the network engaged in truly global conversations.

In order to realize the promise of this new model for the University all central and global planning and programmatic efforts could align in a strategy such as the one we discuss here. This strategy can serve as a point of alignment for a group of activities that are, by design, disparate and opportunistic, but will certainly benefit from program coordination and message synchronization. Furthermore, having a coordinated and branded strategy will also position Center directors and University fund raisers to solicit large gifts more effectively from a wider circle of potential funders.
In keeping with this opportunity, we suggest the following broad mission for Columbia Global Centers:
The Columbia Global Centers goal is to build the university's ability to contribute positively to the wor

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Columbia Global Centers facilitate the collaborative engagement of University faculty, students, and alumni with the world, to enhance understanding, address global challenges, and advance knowledge.

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