Despite 2022's extraordinary literary achievements, 2023 promises to be even more remarkable. 

Even though we're still amid our holiday reading haze, several highly regarded books are coming out soon that should be added to your "To Be Read" list.

If one of your goals for the coming year is to read more, or if you're just curious about the books that will be the talk of the town in 2023, this is the definitive list you need to locate an interesting read in New York City. Now, here are the books you should add to your to-be-read list now!

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Five Titles to Add To Your Reading List

Yerba Buena

Sara and Emilie meet at the posh Yerba Buena restaurant, where Sara works as a bartender and Emilie is employed in the floral department. Both are at a turning point in their lives. Their chemistry is evident, but their busy schedules prevent them from spending more time together. 

This is a classic will-they-won't-they story that will hit close to home for everyone who has ever doubted whether or not they were willing to take a chance on love. If this book has you hooked, visit Columbia University Bookstore.

The Wild One

Amanda has been troubled by a traumatic event that occurred at Camp Catalpa. When the secret threatens to be revealed and jeopardizes not only her life but the lives of the other girls present that day, they meet together one more time to figure out what to do. 

This fast-paced suspense novel will keep you reading far past your bedtime. Head over to Barnes & Noble and grab yourself a copy!


A beautiful mind-bending look at the surveillance state, global warming, and women's empowerment. There's a time-traveling girl, turtles with voices, a French sculptor, and a crew of workers constructing the Statue of Liberty, among other things. 

We recommend it to those who enjoy the fantastical, dystopian, and historical. You can get a copy from The Mysterious Bookshop.

Night of Living

In these devastating and darkly comic pieces, the Native American community of a Maine Penobscot reservation is brought to life in all its nuance and will to thrive. Family tragedy, drug addiction, and extreme poverty are evident, but so are determined kids, adults who struggle for financial stability despite immense challenges, and love that lasts. 

The Strand Book Store should be your first stop if you are up for a book hunt.

The Rabbit Hutch

The characters of this stunning story live in an abandoned apartment building called The Rabbit Hutch on the outskirts of a metropolis that is slowly but surely fading. Every one of the locals has their problems, but the four youngsters who share an apartment have it the worst. 

Your allegiances will sway as the plot twists and turns toward its unexpected but inevitable climax. Look into the Argosy Book Store if you want this book.

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